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1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4# Copyright 2010-2011 Steffen Schaumburg
5# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
7# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
9# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12# GNU General Public License for more details.
14# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
15# along with this program. If not, see <>.
16# In the "official" distribution you can find the license in agpl-3.0.txt.
18# You may find helpful
19import gettext
20import platform
21import subprocess
22import locale
23from pathlib import Path
24from Configuration import GRAPHICS_PATH, CONFIG_PATH
25import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
26from PyQt5.QtCore import QTranslator
29def get_system_language():
30 system = platform.system()
31 if system == "Windows":
32 return locale.getdefaultlocale()[0]
33 elif system == "Linux":
34 process = subprocess.Popen(["locale", "-b"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
35 output, _ = process.communicate()
36 return output.decode().strip()
37 elif system == "Darwin":
38 process = subprocess.Popen(
39 ["defaults", "read", "-g", "AppleLanguages"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE
40 )
41 output, _ = process.communicate()
42 output = output.decode().strip().replace("\n", "").replace('"', "")
43 return output
44 else:
45 return None
48def pass_through(to_translate):
49 return to_translate
52def set_translation(to_lang):
53 try:
54 trans = gettext.translation("fpdb", localedir="locale", languages=[to_lang])
55 trans.install()
56 translation = QTranslator()
57 translation.load(to_lang, "locale")
58 except IOError:
59 translation = None
60 return translation
63def get_translation():
64 try:
65 return _
66 except NameError:
67 return pass_through
70def init_translation():
71 import Configuration
73 conf = Configuration.Config()
75 if conf.general["ui_language"] in ("system", ""):
76 try:
77 (lang, charset) = locale.getdefaultlocale()
78 except Exception:
79 lang = None
80 if lang is None or lang[:2] == "en":
81 return pass_through
82 else:
83 return set_translation(lang)
84 elif conf.general["ui_language"] == "en":
85 return pass_through
86 else:
87 return set_translation(conf.general["ui_language"])
90def get_installed_translations():
91 la_list = []
92 la_co_list = []
94 for ident, la_co in locale.windows_locale.items():
95 if gettext.find("fpdb", localedir="locale", languages=[la_co]):
96 if "_" in la_co:
97 la, co = la_co.split("_", 1)
98 la_list.append(la)
99 else:
100 la_list.append(la_co)
101 la_co_list.append(la_co)
103 la_set = set(la_list)
104 la_list = list(la_set)
106 la_dict = {}
107 la_co_dict = {}
108 try:
109 from icu import Locale
111 for code in la_list:
112 la_dict[code] = Locale.getDisplayName(Locale(code))
113 for code in la_co_list:
114 la_co_dict[code] = Locale.getDisplayName(Locale(code))
115 except Exception:
116 for code in la_list:
117 la_dict[code] = code
118 for code in la_co_list:
119 la_co_dict[code] = code
121 return la_dict, la_co_dict
124def set_locale_translation():
125 path = Path(GRAPHICS_PATH)
126 transformed_path = path.parent
127 locale_path = Path(transformed_path, "locale")
128 path_string = str(locale_path)
129 print(f"Locale path: {path_string}")
131 gettext.bindtextdomain("fpdb", path_string)
132 gettext.textdomain("fpdb")
134 tree = ET.parse(f"{CONFIG_PATH}/HUD_config.xml")
135 root = tree.getroot()
136 general_element = root.find("general")
137 ui_language = general_element.attrib.get("ui_language")
138 print(f"UI Language: {ui_language}")
140 try:
141 fr_translation = gettext.translation("fpdb", path_string, languages=[ui_language])
142 fr_translation.install()
143 except FileNotFoundError:
144 print(f"No translation file found for domain: 'fpdb' in {path_string} for language {ui_language}")